Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yet another email address!!

TCA - my supplier of internet access and email, is now up and running. So, if you'd like to go for the old address: whocares@tca-online.com.au, it should be okay and reliable.
However, I seem to be having some problems with accessing my hotmail address.
I really don't want to have any more technology problems but I'm stuck with this one.
While we were out of touch through TCA, and then found the hotmail problems, I set up a gmail address which seems to be fine.
This is: gillian.wadds.senior@gmail.com . If, by any chance, we have some settling in problems with TCA, then this gmail address is fine.
So-o-o sorry about all the hassles - but I can assure you that Rob, the proprietor of TCA is more hassled than any of us. He has our sympathy.
It's been great to hear from some of my cyberspace contacts through the other addresses - sorry about the hotmail account.
Cheers for now,
Return to: http://www.gillianmwadds.com.au/

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