Oh no! I've missed a whole month!
It could be because there's not much to report - certainly not much on the writing front.
Silly Old Buggers is still staggering along - probably appropriate given the subject matter (getting older!). We thought we might have something happening at Chapel off Chapel for Seniors' Week but this seems to have fallen through. There's still interest from a couple of venues for the new year (are we really talking about 2009 already?) but nothing definite.
And so - the production team - who are all VERY busy people doing lots of other things - are quietly working away in the background and I mostly just WAIT.
Better news on the subject of Junior Novels.
The librarian at the Secondary College who ordered 250 of Chemical Leak! for their Year 7 book list has told me that the students loved the book and so did the teachers. She has been asked to buy in a class set of Sea Secrets so that they can continue with the next book in the series.
I was feeling very discouraged about Junior Novels in general and this series of mine (Zena and Her Mates) in particular, because my publishers decided they didn't want to continue with that genre.
That left me with a group of kids I love writing about, a third book on the way and no one to sell it to. Would I have to invent a whole new group of kids? Would anyone ever buy one of my Junior Novels again? I gave up in disgust and did nothing.
Suddenly, out of the blue, another publisher is interested in talking to me about the third book in the series. I'm trying not to hold my breath but ... it's not easy.
Let's hope I get some good news and am inspired to write another blog entry VERY SOON!
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